With respect to Chris
I will run down the road
I will take careful aim
I will stand ready to reload
I will have faith in steadiness
And in my Brothers in Arms
I will put myself forth
To protect them from harm
I will put kit in my pack
A little coffee and cream
I will sweat it out
I will carry forth the dream
I will not succumb to lies
I will not forsake the brave
I will sit alone on a lonely road
And remember how many he saved
And will with unblinking eyes
Remember the enemy's death
Every day I live is precious
Every tear laugh and breath
Good Night my Brother
I see the Sunset and the sail
I see a lone Viking ship go up in flames
You took straight on your challenges
And did not fail
Thank you for digging deep
And for finding what you could give
Thank you for your love and honor
Thank you
For the way you lived
10:47 am
transcribed this time
11:24 am